You can choose one of two methods for conducting the survey –online or via paper copies. Regardless of which you choose, we can help with needs like customization and translation.
If you choose the online route, we’ll ask you for a list of all your eligible employees’ email addresses. Employees will receive an email with a unique link from Workforce Research Group. If any of your employees do not have a company email address, we will accept personal email addresses; however, we won’t be able to provide support if there are any issues. If some of your employees do not have a work or personal email address, reach out to us and we can discuss options.
If you choose the paper method, we’ll mail a package of materials to you, which will include surveys and postage-paid return envelopes. We’ll also ask you to fill out an employee confirmation checklist.
Whichever method you select, all employee data is submitted anonymously and we assure you that confidentiality is critical to us. Click here to read our privacy policy.
A required minimum response rate is necessary in order for the collected employee feedback to be credible. We look for a response rate of at least 40% (unless you are a company of 20-24 employees, in which case you must reach 80%), so not everyone has to complete a survey. However, your company will get the most out of this process if you work to get as many surveys returned as possible.
At no time will Workforce Research Group make public, sell or otherwise release the names of those who participated and did not make the final list of winners. Only Workforce Research Group and Pensions & Investments will have access to that information.